Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Green Tea Ice Cream

IMG_3119I spent Presidents day weekend with my cousins Samira (aka B) and Saadia. I’ve been meaning to go to B’s place across the Hudson for quite some time now to make use of her ice cream maker. B and I made green tea ice cream, and lots of love to her for freezing motions to allow me to take pictures. I love green tea ice cream and I thought this would be the perfect time to experiment with a recipe. I made the mistake of following a recipe which said to use a 2 to 1 ratio of milk to cream, however as tested before by B and I separately, a 1 to 2 ratio of milk to cream is better and makes for a creamier consistency when frozen. I used Matcha, which allows for that rich minty color green tea ice cream is known for. Matcha is a finely milled high quality green tea that is grown in shades which causes the leaves to be a darker green and filled with amino acids. The amino acids result with the distinct green tea flavor that important in traditional Japanese tea ceremonies. Matcha can be quite pricey so substituting it with green tea powder is okay. With the substitution you will find yourself using more to get deep green tea flavor and color but nonetheless satisfying. I find green tea ice cream to be a great way to end a meal or refresh the palate. Read below to get the recipe!

Green Tea Ice Cream Recipe

1 cup milk
2 cups heavy cream (you can whip it and fold it into the other ingredients or leave it as is)
1/4 cup green tea powder or 2 T Matcha or to your desired taste
1/4 cup sugar or to your desired taste

greentea icecream

Combine: milk, heavy cream, sugar and matcha        

Chill the mixture in the fridge for about an hour before freezing

Once the mixer is chilled, pour into ice cream maker and follow your ice cream makers directions.



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