Sunday, November 13, 2011

David and Erika San Diego Wedding

In relation to my post about San Diego- Omer, Omar, and I were delighted to have also attended David and Erika’s seaside wedding. There is always something romantic about getting married near water on a beautiful sunny day. I believe the wedding was near Seaport Village at the Embarcadero Marina Park with San Diego Bay as the backdrop. Standing under a wooden alter, Erika was happy and radiant in a strapless, beaded gown. The groom and groomsmen all had khaki linen suits perfectly suited for the casual outdoor ocean theme. Bridesmaids were seaside visions in strapless aqua dresses.
I had a wonderful time with the always kind and loving Yanez family. It was also a delight to finally meet Hiram, Erika, Kyle, and the bride Erika. The reception dinner and dancing took place under a white tent decorated white lanterns, blue turf resembling water, and aqua colored table cloths. The evening was character filled with the generator malfunctioning leaving the tent with no power. Despite these minor hiccups, the tent may have not had electricity but was lit up with love and laughter.

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