Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Easy Breezy Broiled Chicken

A couple years ago, Omer and I went to Brewster's in the suburbs of Chicago. I have no recollection of where it is, I just remember it was my first time eating broiled chicken with skin- American style with mash potatoes and corn. I don't remember how it tasted but recently when Zabihah chicken legs went on sale for 99 cents a pound, I thought of roasting them whole with skin and dedicate it to Brewster's.  

Broiling chicken is a breeze, as long as you have a nice layer of delicious fat on the legs that will melt and flavor the chicken itself this is a no fail recipe. I have a gas broiler, and usually like to think of it as a upside down grill since there is an actual flame that heats the food from above, as opposed to a grill that heats it from the bottom. I would recommend using a broiler rack and pan for this so that the chicken isn't drenched in it's own fat but falls into the collection tray.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

David and Erika San Diego Wedding

In relation to my post about San Diego- Omer, Omar, and I were delighted to have also attended David and Erika’s seaside wedding. There is always something romantic about getting married near water on a beautiful sunny day. I believe the wedding was near Seaport Village at the Embarcadero Marina Park with San Diego Bay as the backdrop. Standing under a wooden alter, Erika was happy and radiant in a strapless, beaded gown. The groom and groomsmen all had khaki linen suits perfectly suited for the casual outdoor ocean theme. Bridesmaids were seaside visions in strapless aqua dresses.
I had a wonderful time with the always kind and loving Yanez family. It was also a delight to finally meet Hiram, Erika, Kyle, and the bride Erika. The reception dinner and dancing took place under a white tent decorated white lanterns, blue turf resembling water, and aqua colored table cloths. The evening was character filled with the generator malfunctioning leaving the tent with no power. Despite these minor hiccups, the tent may have not had electricity but was lit up with love and laughter.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

San Diego Oct 2011

In October, Omer and I met up Omar, aka Bhaiya aka Oali, aka Omar Ali in San Diego for David and Erika's wedding. We missed our outbound flight by 7 minutes due to the fact we headed towards the wrong airport when we left home. Omer and I were under the impression we were flying out from Laguardia, only to find out halfway to the airport that we were suppose to fly out from JFK. We ended up flying out the next morning and upon our arrival Omar picked us up VIP style.  We went straight to La Jolla with Omar to grab a bite at George's. I went here less than a year ago with Sameera and Mubeena, and loved it so much that I had to take Omer and Omar. The weather was absolutely gorgeous and we were thrilled that we missed out on the freak snow storm back in NYC.
                                                              Can you spot our car below?

After spending the day at La Jolla, we were invited to eat at David and Erika's rehearsal dinner. We were lucky enough to enjoy the sunset before stepping into dinner.

The next day we went to the The USS Midway Aircraft Carrier. It has over 60 exhibits and I believe 24 restored aircrafts.

We got to see the living quarters, including where they showered. 

Look its Maverick and Goose. I was glad Omer and Omar were able to reignite their bromance, under my supervision of course.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Sheema and Marek's wedding

Day 1
I didn't sleep all night September 23rd only to catch a 5:45 am flight to Chicago from New York. My dad picked me up at 8am from airport and I came home to my mom and a warm cup of chai. I immediately called Sheema to let her know I have arrived and to come over right away. I also called Sameera and Mubeena to let them know to come over whenever they can so we can get ready together. At last, it was Sheema's wedding day.
Sheema came over by 2pm with her mom, aunt, and sister. We ate lunch and headed out to get Sheema's hair done. Getting her hair done was a snap, it was the time Sheema wasted afterwards that drove me nuts! She insisted we go to Target (hours before her wedding) and get makeup and things. She also nagged we go to Famous Footwear so she can buy boots- footwear that she had no immediate need for. I talked her out of boot shopping, but since it was her wedding day I took her to Target so she can buy nail polish, lipstick, lotion etc. All things that she could get after her wedding, but insisted that she would never have time to get daily necessities as a married woman. From the moment we got home, I dove right into getting things ready. I ironed and steamed Sheema's outfit- dissatisfied with my work my mom redid it. Sana made her mom and aunt's hair while I assisted with makeup. Next thing you know it, it's 7pm and the makeup artist has still not arrived. Mark was already at the banquet hall, Sheema was no where near being ready, and there began my panic. Finally when the makeup artist did arrive, Mubeena, Sameera, Sana and I all rushed to get Sheema ready as fast as we could and managed to get her out of the house and at the hall by 9pm. We were only 2 hours late, but what can you do. I wasn't able to take many pictures at her wedding, eat, or even realize I was at a wedding. The event itself is a big blur, all I remember is crying when Sheema boarded the limo as Mrs. Marek Czapla.

Day 2
For no reason, Sunday was even more crazier. At 9am sharp I arrived at Sheema and Mark's house. The hairdresser was already there and was starting to get Sheema ready. Mark made me a wonderful cup of the sweetest chai I have ever had, but nonetheless satisfied my caffeine fix. The makeup artist was early this time and started right away on Sheema. We got Sheema ready and out the door much quicker than Friday but still we were rushed. The rain slowed things down on the sun-less Sunday. The rain didn't damper the wedding, but it was a fountain that wasn't on outside that halted the schedule. (I never saw the fountain or noticed it was on after hours of waiting). With everyone under their umbrellas and the porch, the ceremony progressed beautifully- Mark even shed a tear. Mark's mom looked amazing in her full length gold sequined dress and bright pink umbrella. Sheema's parents, the cutest people I've ever seen were all smiles. There was also a surprise appearance by a lost deer. We ate delicious Italian food consisting of your choice of tilapia, steak, or chicken. I had the tilapia followed by coffee and tiramisu for dessert. The rain eventually stopped after dinner and the evening ended with dancing. All in all, both events were amazing and fun, and I couldn't be more happier for Sheema for finding someone who loves her with all his heart. 

Saturday, October 1, 2011

What is Gustatory?

picture source: leavingbio.net
The Gustatory system is our sense of taste. We have four types of taste buds (sweet, bitter, salty, and sour). But our perceptions of taste and food experience are beyond the type of taste buds we have on our tongue. The perception of taste comes from intertwining our sense of smell and taste. We combine smell, physical sensation, and oral taste receptors to fully "taste" our foods. When something smells bad- it usually tastes bad, when we have a cold- food taste bland, and some are particularly sensitive to textures of food. I have a friend who hates the soft texture of cheesecake, but loves cheesecake ice-cream. So give all flavors a chance- you may like it in a different format.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Our first visitors! Sarah and Saqib

Back in July, Sarah my childhood friend and her husband Saqib graced us with their presence as our first guests. (technically my brother was our first guest but he's family so he doesn't count).

I've known Sarah since I was 5, and even though we were too cool to go through the "best friends forever phase"- she truly is one of my dearest friends. I met Sarah when in the summer while walking with my grandmother around the neighborhood. Noticing another Pakistani family, my grandmother stopped to talk to Sarah's mom who was outside mowing the lawn with Sarah and her brother. Instantly my grandmother befriended Sarah's mom and it was the beginning of carpooling to Sunday School, Quran classes, and anywhere else our mom's could take us. We always patrolled both our neighborhoods for garage sales to buy Barbie accessories or anything to play "house house" with. Our favorite thing to play with was the tray of money you put into the cash register. (unfortunately we never found an actual toy cash register to play with but the tray did the job). Now almost 20 years later she's real life Mrs. Saqib Malik and I'm Mrs. Omer Nazeer.

During Sarah and Saqib's visit, we walked the Brooklyn Bridge, took Sarah shopping in Soho, ate at Grimaldi's (pizza place under the Brooklyn bridge that always has long lines), and roamed around anywhere we could. Grimalid's is definitely worth the wait. The crust is thin and crispy and the cheese and sauce ratio is perfect. From our one time experience, if you want to skip the line and don't mind carry out then call ahead and place your order. All in all, Saqib and Sarah's trip was short and sweet, but none the less eventful. Hope they visit again soon!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Abdul and Mubeena's Engagement

I could not be more excited about Mubeena and Abdul's engagement. I have no idea where to start! 
I first became friends with Mubeena in 9th/10th grade gym class at Glenbard North High school, she thought I was weird, and I thought she was a nerd- but we eventually became friends. I got to know LB (aka Abdul) while sitting on his couch at UIC watching Sholay while he flicked a deck of cards in the air for entertainment. He seemed boring to me then, (I mean really, who plays 52 pickup by themselves?) but he gained cool points when we went to the Common Concert at the House of Blues and knew Mubeena couldn't have picked a better man. Although I've known Mubeena since Sunday School days at MSI, we really became friends in High School, close friends in College, and now we're practically sisters. Not to brag, but I'm actually an honorary Siddiqui Sister as told by Baba Siddiqui himself. Anyways, back to the topic at hand,  Mubeena and LB make a beautiful couple, and I personally cannot wait until their wedding but their engagement is a good preview to see whats to come. Mubeena was a beauty queen and had 2 beautiful outfits- one from her family and the other from LB's. The engagement was a daytime event at Albanian center, which I must say has been remodeled and is perfect for small parties. Mubeena's family always comes together and deserves a star for teamwork. Not to mention, Mubeena always has awesome friends to lend a hand. The food was delicious, Mubeena's and LB's nieces and nephews are scrumptious, and my favorite touch were the cupcakes we took home as party favors. Salma became best friends forever with Mubeena's nephew and as proof we forced him to take a picture with her. I only wish I was better at being Paparazzi at these events so I don't complain later that I didn't get better shots. Oh well, I have plenty of time to hone my skills in letting me and my cameras presence known. Can't wait to be a photo ninja with Sameera at their wedding next year!