Monday, October 3, 2011

Sheema and Marek's wedding

Day 1
I didn't sleep all night September 23rd only to catch a 5:45 am flight to Chicago from New York. My dad picked me up at 8am from airport and I came home to my mom and a warm cup of chai. I immediately called Sheema to let her know I have arrived and to come over right away. I also called Sameera and Mubeena to let them know to come over whenever they can so we can get ready together. At last, it was Sheema's wedding day.
Sheema came over by 2pm with her mom, aunt, and sister. We ate lunch and headed out to get Sheema's hair done. Getting her hair done was a snap, it was the time Sheema wasted afterwards that drove me nuts! She insisted we go to Target (hours before her wedding) and get makeup and things. She also nagged we go to Famous Footwear so she can buy boots- footwear that she had no immediate need for. I talked her out of boot shopping, but since it was her wedding day I took her to Target so she can buy nail polish, lipstick, lotion etc. All things that she could get after her wedding, but insisted that she would never have time to get daily necessities as a married woman. From the moment we got home, I dove right into getting things ready. I ironed and steamed Sheema's outfit- dissatisfied with my work my mom redid it. Sana made her mom and aunt's hair while I assisted with makeup. Next thing you know it, it's 7pm and the makeup artist has still not arrived. Mark was already at the banquet hall, Sheema was no where near being ready, and there began my panic. Finally when the makeup artist did arrive, Mubeena, Sameera, Sana and I all rushed to get Sheema ready as fast as we could and managed to get her out of the house and at the hall by 9pm. We were only 2 hours late, but what can you do. I wasn't able to take many pictures at her wedding, eat, or even realize I was at a wedding. The event itself is a big blur, all I remember is crying when Sheema boarded the limo as Mrs. Marek Czapla.

Day 2
For no reason, Sunday was even more crazier. At 9am sharp I arrived at Sheema and Mark's house. The hairdresser was already there and was starting to get Sheema ready. Mark made me a wonderful cup of the sweetest chai I have ever had, but nonetheless satisfied my caffeine fix. The makeup artist was early this time and started right away on Sheema. We got Sheema ready and out the door much quicker than Friday but still we were rushed. The rain slowed things down on the sun-less Sunday. The rain didn't damper the wedding, but it was a fountain that wasn't on outside that halted the schedule. (I never saw the fountain or noticed it was on after hours of waiting). With everyone under their umbrellas and the porch, the ceremony progressed beautifully- Mark even shed a tear. Mark's mom looked amazing in her full length gold sequined dress and bright pink umbrella. Sheema's parents, the cutest people I've ever seen were all smiles. There was also a surprise appearance by a lost deer. We ate delicious Italian food consisting of your choice of tilapia, steak, or chicken. I had the tilapia followed by coffee and tiramisu for dessert. The rain eventually stopped after dinner and the evening ended with dancing. All in all, both events were amazing and fun, and I couldn't be more happier for Sheema for finding someone who loves her with all his heart. 

Saturday, October 1, 2011

What is Gustatory?

picture source:
The Gustatory system is our sense of taste. We have four types of taste buds (sweet, bitter, salty, and sour). But our perceptions of taste and food experience are beyond the type of taste buds we have on our tongue. The perception of taste comes from intertwining our sense of smell and taste. We combine smell, physical sensation, and oral taste receptors to fully "taste" our foods. When something smells bad- it usually tastes bad, when we have a cold- food taste bland, and some are particularly sensitive to textures of food. I have a friend who hates the soft texture of cheesecake, but loves cheesecake ice-cream. So give all flavors a chance- you may like it in a different format.