Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Easy Breezy Broiled Chicken

A couple years ago, Omer and I went to Brewster's in the suburbs of Chicago. I have no recollection of where it is, I just remember it was my first time eating broiled chicken with skin- American style with mash potatoes and corn. I don't remember how it tasted but recently when Zabihah chicken legs went on sale for 99 cents a pound, I thought of roasting them whole with skin and dedicate it to Brewster's.  

Broiling chicken is a breeze, as long as you have a nice layer of delicious fat on the legs that will melt and flavor the chicken itself this is a no fail recipe. I have a gas broiler, and usually like to think of it as a upside down grill since there is an actual flame that heats the food from above, as opposed to a grill that heats it from the bottom. I would recommend using a broiler rack and pan for this so that the chicken isn't drenched in it's own fat but falls into the collection tray.