Monday, August 1, 2011

Our first visitors! Sarah and Saqib

Back in July, Sarah my childhood friend and her husband Saqib graced us with their presence as our first guests. (technically my brother was our first guest but he's family so he doesn't count).

I've known Sarah since I was 5, and even though we were too cool to go through the "best friends forever phase"- she truly is one of my dearest friends. I met Sarah when in the summer while walking with my grandmother around the neighborhood. Noticing another Pakistani family, my grandmother stopped to talk to Sarah's mom who was outside mowing the lawn with Sarah and her brother. Instantly my grandmother befriended Sarah's mom and it was the beginning of carpooling to Sunday School, Quran classes, and anywhere else our mom's could take us. We always patrolled both our neighborhoods for garage sales to buy Barbie accessories or anything to play "house house" with. Our favorite thing to play with was the tray of money you put into the cash register. (unfortunately we never found an actual toy cash register to play with but the tray did the job). Now almost 20 years later she's real life Mrs. Saqib Malik and I'm Mrs. Omer Nazeer.

During Sarah and Saqib's visit, we walked the Brooklyn Bridge, took Sarah shopping in Soho, ate at Grimaldi's (pizza place under the Brooklyn bridge that always has long lines), and roamed around anywhere we could. Grimalid's is definitely worth the wait. The crust is thin and crispy and the cheese and sauce ratio is perfect. From our one time experience, if you want to skip the line and don't mind carry out then call ahead and place your order. All in all, Saqib and Sarah's trip was short and sweet, but none the less eventful. Hope they visit again soon!