Monday, June 27, 2011

Abdul and Mubeena's Engagement

I could not be more excited about Mubeena and Abdul's engagement. I have no idea where to start! 
I first became friends with Mubeena in 9th/10th grade gym class at Glenbard North High school, she thought I was weird, and I thought she was a nerd- but we eventually became friends. I got to know LB (aka Abdul) while sitting on his couch at UIC watching Sholay while he flicked a deck of cards in the air for entertainment. He seemed boring to me then, (I mean really, who plays 52 pickup by themselves?) but he gained cool points when we went to the Common Concert at the House of Blues and knew Mubeena couldn't have picked a better man. Although I've known Mubeena since Sunday School days at MSI, we really became friends in High School, close friends in College, and now we're practically sisters. Not to brag, but I'm actually an honorary Siddiqui Sister as told by Baba Siddiqui himself. Anyways, back to the topic at hand,  Mubeena and LB make a beautiful couple, and I personally cannot wait until their wedding but their engagement is a good preview to see whats to come. Mubeena was a beauty queen and had 2 beautiful outfits- one from her family and the other from LB's. The engagement was a daytime event at Albanian center, which I must say has been remodeled and is perfect for small parties. Mubeena's family always comes together and deserves a star for teamwork. Not to mention, Mubeena always has awesome friends to lend a hand. The food was delicious, Mubeena's and LB's nieces and nephews are scrumptious, and my favorite touch were the cupcakes we took home as party favors. Salma became best friends forever with Mubeena's nephew and as proof we forced him to take a picture with her. I only wish I was better at being Paparazzi at these events so I don't complain later that I didn't get better shots. Oh well, I have plenty of time to hone my skills in letting me and my cameras presence known. Can't wait to be a photo ninja with Sameera at their wedding next year!